Appointments System
Book an appointment online:
You can register for our online service and book via the link at the top of this page. Click here for information on how to register and obtain your unique login details.
Alternatively :
To book an appointment, call the surgery number, 01347 821557 or call into reception.
The telephone line is open between 08:30 till 12:30 and 14:00 till 18:00.
Seeing the Right Clinician
To help you decide who to see it might be worth reading our "tips for booking your appointment" page.
Advance Booking
Here at Millfield Surgery we try to offer a mixture of advance booking appointments, i.e. appointments which are freely available a month in advance from the day you are booking.
If you are under regular review for an ongoing health problem, your GP or Nurse will tell you when you will need to be seen again. These appointments do get booked up to 2 or 3 weeks in advance during our busy periods.
If you have regular annual or 6 monthly reviews, it is advisable to ring and book your next review at least 4 weeks ahead of the time you need your appointment so that you will have a little more choice of an appointment time appropriate to your own needs.
On The Day or Urgent Problems
If you are in pain, severe discomfort or distress, we will ensure that you speak to a member of our urgent care clinical team on the day you ring.
You will initially be asked for your name, telephone number and a brief description of the problem by our booking team, then you will get a call you back from a clinican to speak to you. They will help to ensure that you see the most appropriate person at the most appropriate time although that may be with another clinician.
You may be called by an Urgent Care Practitioner (UCP). The UCP Team are based at Terrington Surgery, so if you require a face to face appointment you may be asked to travel to Terrington Surgery. Please let the Patient Care Coordinator you speak to know if this will not be possible.
They can also leave you a prescription or offer help or advice on the telephone.
Telephone Advice
In order to accommodate those patients who are requesting health advice, medication advice, or who have a problem which does not necessarily need a face to face appointment, we can take your name telephone number and some details about your problem and a clinician will call you back.
If you have any restrictions on when you can receive a call please let the Patient Care Coordinator know and we will try our best to accommodate your needs.
Nurse Appointments
Practice Nurses
The Practice Nurses have appointments for chronic disease reviews, medication reviews requiring blood pressure tests or other examination, and other ongoing routine care.
Nurse Practitioners
Our Nurse Practitioners deal with the advice telephone calls every morning, afternoon and also deal with minor Illness (diagnose and prescribe) and medication queries.
Home Visits
As the practice covers a large geographical area, please try to see your doctor at the surgery. If you require a home visit please try to contact the surgery before 10:30am to help us plan the day.
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a text message to confirm you have not attended and ask you to rebook your apppointment.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.
Medical Students
This practice provides training for 4th year medical students from Hull York Medical School. When making an appointment to see a doctor the receptionist may ask you if you would take part in a supervised consultation involving a medical student. A GP from this practice will join the consultation to review the discussion with you and the student and ensure appropriate care and treatment is provided.
You may prefer not to, but your cooperation in training the doctors of the future would be greatly appreciated.
Personalised Care Team